Use Art Clay Silver Overlay Paste for filling cracks, repairing silver clay pieces, attaching silver wires and painting with silver on ceramics, glas etc
Art Clay Silver Overlay Paste can be used for various purposes, including:
Filling small cracks on pieces made from Silver Clay
Repairing broken pieces
Attaching fine silver wire, such as for cloisonné enameling work
Securing fine silver wire for bezel settings
Painting on stones, porcelain, or ceramics with a silver finish
Using Art Clay Overlay Paste is very easy
The paste should be applied in thin layers using a brush. Unlike soldering, Art Clay Silver Overlay Paste can also be used to fill small holes.
Please note that the paste shrinks approx. 9% during firing. Firing should be done at a temperature of 650 to 800°C, depending on the purpose, for several minutes.
Since Art Clay Silver Overlay Paste dries quickly (even in a sealed container), we recommend thoroughly stirring the paste before use and, if necessary, diluting it with a small amount of distilled water. Please follow the instructions on the packaging.
Art Clay Silver Overlay Paste is not the same product as Art Clay Silver Paste (10g, 20g).
Use Art Clay Silver Overlay Paste for filling cracks, repairing silver clay pieces, attaching silver wires and painting with silver on ceramics, glas etc